Friday, November 4, 2011

Useful Information About Commercial Floriculture

Modal Trends in Mon./Pure Evert/end°, of ornamental 0105
The value of world import/export is increasing every year. In 1982, the total value was about 25 billion dollars. In 1996, the total value was alma 2.5 billion dollars. In 1996, the total value was already 7.5 billion dollars. Although the growth is in nominal value, the figures show a rapid increase in the flows of horticultural products. The biggest import markets are Germany, USA, France and the United Kingdom. The world's largest exporter of horticultural products is by far the Nether/and, which is responsible for about 60% of international export.

The international trade in cut flowers and potted plants is growing every year. From the total production of cut flowers and potted plants, only a small part is exported to the international market. About 75%, of the international trade comes from within Europe. Germany alone accounts for 30% of the world imports of cut flowers. Besides Germany, the United States, France and the United Kingdom are big importers. The Netherlands is also a big importer but it re-exports most of its imports, primarily to Europe.

The to value of the world export of cut flowers rose from 1.25 billion dollars in 1982 to 3.6 billion dollars in 1995. The Netherlands, Columbia, Israel, Kenya and Ecuador are the biggest exporting countries in the world. The position of the Netherlands in very dominant in the total export. When you consider the export from the Nether/and to other European countries (1.8 billion dollars from the total export value of 2.1 billion dollars) as inter export value of 2.1 billion dollars) as interregional trade, the conclusion is that the international trade is very limited in relation to total world wide consumption. It is to be expected that the north-south axis will be important to the expo./ market. Africa will increasingly export to Europe, and South America to the USA and Canada. Within Asia, there will be a growing interregional trade with upcoming countries like Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Australia and New Zealand have possibilities on the niche market in Asia with high-quality products.

The total export of potted plants is smaller, amounting to about 1.75 billion dollars in 1995. Because of the high transport costs per unit, the export of this type of product is usually to neighboring countries. The main exporters are the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium.

You can visit this flower guide for more information about this article. 

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