Thursday, November 17, 2011

Flowering Plants - The First Traces

creeping rhizome underneath. and composed of tight clusters of leathery leaves without pseudo bulbs. The short lateral branchrn bear a solitary leaf, glassy green, lanceolate to elliptic, usually fleshy which are typically broadest towards the apex and narrowed into a basal stalk, than giving the appearance of being borne by petioles, up to 30 cm long. The pseudo-petioles are surrounded basally by foliar bracts or have small bracts at each node. From the foliar beach the inflorescence emerge, one to three flowered. The flower size ranges from 2.5 ern to more than 30 cm from tip to lip, and the colors cover almost entire gamut of the hues of rainbow. and in certain rare forms black is also obtained. The flowers are curious in shape, one part of the length of the sepals are connate to ferns a mai of trumpet, then their lips spread out ending in a longish point or by a long., fine tail. The small jointed lip and erect column are produced inside the sepaline cup. The lip possesses earlike appendages near the base, the column is short may be winged or with a narrow margin around it. The pollinia are 2, eardrop shaped, yellow in color and without any caudicl The unusual shape of flowers, wide variation in size and vivid colors have made them very very rewarding to the collectors of orchids. There are several natural hybrids, and large number of hybrids have been evolved in this genus.
Ma.sdevallia anwhilis Rehb.f —The species is native to Colombia; coming to flower in June-July. The leave are up to 15 cm long, leathey, oblancstolate and acute. Single flowers are produced on an erect spike. up to 300m long. The flowers are 2.5 cm in diameter, dorsal sepal is narrow, orange; the lateral sepals are broad, orange-dotted with red, all tipped by a bog and narrow tail.

Masdevallia coccinea Lind!. (Masdevalfia Lindeni Anaire. and Masdenallia Hamiana Rchb.f.)--This is another Colombian species; blooming dunng March-April The leaves are dark glossy-green, clustered, up to 22.5 cm long. The inflorescence is erect, single flowered up 10 30 cm tall. The flowers are waxy, heavy textured, variable in color, up to 7.5 cm long, dorsal sepal very narrow, lateral sepals connate in their red bases. The lip and column is enclosed in the sepal tube.

Masdevallia iAnsca Rchb.f. (Masdandlia cniliraris Rchb.f.)--It in native to Colombia; produces flowers during March-April. The leaver are rigid, elliptic lanceolate, stalked at base up to 10 cm long. The inflorescence is single flowered, slender and 3730w long. Ilse flowers are 6.5 cm across. red flushed with bright orange, dorsal sepal narrow, elongated. recurved in front, the lateral sepals are broader and not acuminate. The lip is recurved the apex and stained with orange-red.

Masdevallia tnaculata Klotzsch Oa Karst.—The species is found in Venezuela; coming to bloom during July to November_ The leaves am 1250w long, linear-lanceolate. The inflorescence ry 17.5 cm long, 3 angled, few flowered, hardly emerging from foliage. The flowers are heavy textured, up to 15 cm long, the dorsal sepal is yellow, long and acuminate; the lateral .pa Is are pendent, dark purple and connate. The lip is dull purple.
Masdenallia toranensis Rabbi. (Masdcvaitia candida Klotzsch.)—It is another Venezuelan species producing flowers in November to February. The leaves are leathery, clustered, glossy-green, up to 15 cm long. The inflorescence is 2105  flowered, up to 17.5 cm tall, 3 angled with 3 bracts at the apex. The flowers are waxy, long-lasting, opening widely, up to 2.5 cm across, pure white; the dorsal sepal narrow, tipped by a ffliforrn appendage; the lateral sepals are connate over rn.t of their length and tipped by a short tail. The lip and column are short and remain within the sepal tube.

 You can visit this flower guide for more information about this article. 

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