Friday, November 4, 2011

Basic Information About Rose Gardening

Symptoms : Stippling on leaves, yellowing and withering of leaves since these insects suck the sap of the leaves. Management : Spray of Neem oil (3%) or Methyl Demeton 25 EC (2m1/1) or Phosalone 35EC (2m1/1) or application of Carbofuran 3G (5grn/plant) (Karuppucharny and Palaniswarny, 2006). Black Fly Afewocantims reset.

Symptoms : The insmt.feeds on the sap of rose plants particularly tender leaves. These are minor insects and occasionally observed in roses. With the attack of insects, the leaves lose their luster and look dry. Crinkling of leaves caused due to sap sucking from leaves. The adults lay eggs on the undersurface of leaves. The nymphs are brownish yellow and the puparia jet-black with a colony fringe all around and globular secretions sticking to the tips of the spine (Karuppuchamy and Palaniswamy, 2006).
Management : According to Atwal (1986) the insects are controlled through the spray of Malathion 50EC (875m1/2501it), or Dithmethoate 30EC (750ml/25014
Scurfy Scale : Aulacasyis mane.

Symptoms : Round, flat, opaque males upto 2-3mm across, form dense colonies on woody stems of certain species of row, both outdoors and under green house conditions. Males are present in this species and the male wales are elongate white fluted scales, which are smaller than females. A female lays eggs in July-August. Nymphs soon hatch and nettle to feed before hibernating (Sharma and Bhattacharjm, 2006).
Management : Rub the scales with cotton soaked in Kerosene or Diesel or methylated sprit. Cut and bum the affected branches. Spray of Melathion 50EC (2501/I) twice, first at the time of pruning and again during March-April gives better resulbs.
Red Colton Bug t Dysderna sp.
Symptoms It causes moderate to severe damage mostly to rose flowers (Verghese and Prasad, 1983).
Management :Spray of Quinalphos 25EC (/.5m1/1) or Monocrotophos 36W5C (1m1/ I) can control these insects (Karuppucharny and Palaniswarny, 2006).
Flower Chafer Beetle    I OM, loan, Oxycetonin versicalour, acycetonin albapunctrt, Adoralus verslitus.
Symptoms arycetonin alboptacta feeds on flowers of rose (Sand, 1990), Chilalolv acute feeds an leaves and flowers; while, Oxyretoma versicolour which is a red coloured beetle feeds upon growing points and making irregular holes and punches on the leaves. These insects are most arose during wet months of the year The adult lays eggs in the soil from which larvae develops into large fleshy yellowish-white grubs with strong biting mouthparts. The grub damages the roots and adults feeds on foliage.

Management t bland picking and destruction of chaffer beetles during day time (Anonymous, 1999). Soil around the trunk to be treated with Carbaryl (10%) at the rate of 30gm/pant (Ramesh, 1994). Methyl Parathion 50EC (2m1/1 of water) or Endosulfan 35EC (2m1/1) or Melathion 50EC (2m1/ I) can control these insects. By regular hoeing and forking operations the grubs could he brought over the ground and killed.

You can visit this flower guide for more information about this article.  

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