An Old World genus of coarse monopodial epiphytes forming
massive clumps, with fleshy strap-shaped leaves, a lateral raceme or panicle of
peculiarly fleshy and brittle small flowers, marked by brown transverse bands.
Lip adnate to footless column, saccate or spurred; sidelobes minute; midlobe ovate,
fleshy, scabellus inside; sac without back wall callus, but usually hairy and
often with a longitudinal median callus. Column short, with two terminal horns.
Pollinia four in two unequal pairs; stipes strap-shaped to clavate, hardly
twice as long as the diameter of pollinia; viscidium small, elliptic.
Acanthephippium Blume
An Indo-Malesian genus of terrestrial plants, with closely
approximate, large, conical, multinodal pseudobulbs and a few plaited,
articulated leaves. Inflorescence lateral on the young pseudobulbs, short,
erect, few-flowered. Sepals cohering into an obliquely jug-shaped body, free at
top; laterals much broader than the dorsal, decurrent on the columnfoot forming
a mentum with it. Lip on top of columnfoot, very mobile, small, saddle-shape;
disc with varying number of longitudinal keels. Columnfoot very long, up
curved, distally free from sepals. Anther two-loculed; pollinia eight, waxy, in
two separate bundles of four each, all cohering by a short granular stalk.
Acriopsis Reinwardt
ex Blume
An Indo-Malesian epiphytic genus of sympodial plants with
creeping, branched rhizome, clustered ovoid pseudobulbs covered at base by
slender, silvery sheaths. Leaves apical, one-three, linear-lanceolate,
petiolate. Inflorescence from base of the pseudobulb, erect, slender, simple or
branched, with many well spaced, small, spreading, twisted flowers. Lateral
sepals merged completely into a synsepal. Lip spreading, more or less
three-lobed; bases of side lobes connate with the column above its middle forming
a nectary; disc with short, erect lamellae on the mesial line. Column straight
to S-shaped, with two styliform, horizontal or decurved processes on each side
of the stigma, and cucullate concealing the anther; rostellum suberect,
beaklike, bifurcate. Anther membranous, two-chambered; pollinia four, connate
in two pairs, slender, on long, thin stipes; viscidium minute.
Acrochaene Lindely
A monotypic epiphytic genus from India and Thailand with
closely approximate uninodal pseudobulbs and single, linear-oblong, coriaceous
petiolar leaf. Inflorescence from base of the pseudobulb, pendulous; raceme
long, laxly many-flowered. Flowers medium-sized, dull green, spotted-striate.
Sepals spreading, the lateral pair obliquely adnate to the columnfoot to form a
short mentum; petals shorter than the sepals, ciliate-fimbriate. Lip with a
short claw, incumbent on and articulated to the end of the columnfoot, three-
lobed; the basal lobes erect and broadly toothed at the apex; the apical lobe
tongue-shaped and deflexed. Column short, thick, with blunt obscure arms;
columnfoot long and straight. Anther broad, two-chambered; pollinia two,
subglobose, cleft, attached below to a stout caudicle and a gland-like body at
the base.
Aenhenrya Gopalan
Aerides Loureiro
An Indo-Malesian genus, predominantly epiphytic, rarely
lithophytic with branching long, stout stems, loriform leaves and a simple or
branched, erect or pendulous raceme of large showy flowers. Sepals and petals
subsimilar; lateral sepals ± decurrent on columnfoot. Lip stiffly hinged to end
of the columnfoot, three-lobed; lateral lobes decurrent on the column, small or
large; midlobe usually larger than the sidelobes or smaller and included
between them, spurred; spur usually bent forward, with swellings or calli
within. Column short, with a large foot. Anther two-loculed, beaked; pollinia
two, cleft, on a narrow stipe; viscidium various.
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